Dana Kids is an authorized retailer of all products that Dana Kids carries in its store. We work directly with manufacturers to attempt to offer our customers the lowest possible price. Our mission is to provide only high quality children's clothes at the lowest prices, super fast shipping, as well as free shipping via USPS in all orders in the US. Every product we sell is hand selected to ensure it meets our standards of quality and value before we put it for sale in our store. We are proud of providing the excellent customer service and customer care. We want each customer comes with Dana Kids must be happy with her purchasing.
Dana Kids specializes in children's clothes, shoes, school gears and accessories from newborn to kids up to size 16. We carry our own brand "Dana Kids" as well as Little Planets, Stephen Joseph, Mud Pie, Bonnie Jean, Rare Editions, and more. We are continuing to search for more new brands to add to Dana Kids store so check back with us often for new products and specials.
The name “Dana” in Dana Kids is our daughter's name. This store is dedicated to her in our relentless search for the prefect children’s clothes, school gears, and accessories.
Please feel free to contact us with your suggestions or comments.
Thank you for shopping at Dana Kids.